What Is Mentorship?

What Is My Time Commitment?
Your time commitment is minimal. A mentor should plan to
- Stay with the program for at least a one year
- Meet with your client at least four hours a month and
- Attend monthly one-hour mentor support meetings that include ongoing training.
What Kinds Of Resources Does Agape Financial Provide Me As A Mentor?
We will work with you throughout the process, providing information and training at the outset and on-going support through monthly meetings. Many mentors have told us they find those meetings invaluable; they have the chance to receive additional training, and most importantly, meet with other mentors to share stories and suggestions. This may be done by webinars for those unable to travel.

I Have Concerns About Getting Too Involved With My Client…
Although there is the unlikely chance of disappointment, Agape Source Financial provides excellent risk management by carefully screening all applicants, training mentors and providing insurance coverage. In addition, the Federal Volunteer Act of 1997 helps protect those donating their time.
How Do I Get Teamed Up With My Client?
Clients will generally be referred by Churches. After filling out an application, they are interviewed and screened, and will have to meet with Agape Assistance Officer first. Once that process is complete, Agape will team them with a mentor, if they qualify for the program.
How Do I Find Out More?
We begin with a four-hour, no obligation mentor exploration workshop that provides information about the Agape Source Financial program, the role of a mentor and the culture of poverty. These workshops are held three times a year. To find out more, email us, info@agapesourcefinancial.org or use our Contact page enquiry form.
What Skills Do I Need?
Previous mentoring experience is not necessary. We will provide you with training and support throughout the process. You do, though, need good, nonjudgmental listening skills and empathy for others. You should also be a good manager of your own household finances and be able to coach someone in learning those practical financial skills.
Why Should I Become A Mentor?
Previous mentoring experience is not necessary. We will provide you with training and support throughout the process. You do, though, need good, nonjudgmental listening skills and empathy for others. You should also be a good manager of your own household finances and be able to coach someone in learning those practical financial skills.